Sunday, July 26, 2009

Kristena's House

My friend Kristena asked me to take some pictures of her house for Vintage Indie. They evidently picked up on her insane crafting skills and chic-and-unique taste, and I was honored to be able to help capture it! Plus, her kids made for some adorable photos too.
The quilt was a team effort - Kristena made some of the squares, and some blog friends of hers made the others and shipped them to her. I think that is so cool! Kristena also made the awesome appliquéd art above the bed.

Kids' bedroom.

Sweet Jacob admires the banner that I believe Kristena made.

I LOVE the sweet bunny in the front - another Kristena project! I'd love to be able to make toys for my kids someday!

Quite a unique and quirky art collection on the wall of the dining area.

Lovely Emily enjoys a cinnamon roll....

And eyes another. :)

Childrens' profiles :) By now I'm sure you won't be shocked to learn that Kristena made these, too.

Livin' life. That's the crafting goddess herself in the background (wearing this shirt - also note Emily's dress). I feel like I'm joking, but I'm so not!


This lady is truly all that.


Evan said...

Yup... she's purdy awesome. :)

Ryan said...

Great pics! Great work to both of you!

kristena marie said...

Aw, thanks Ryan!

Sarah, this is the nicest post anyone's ever done about Thimbly Things... or, well, me. :) I know I've said it a couple dozen times, but I just appreciate you so much.

And congrats on the job too! I'm so glad that you and Ryan will be on similar schedules. Good for the marriage and good for morale!