Sunday, November 7, 2010


Perhaps you've noticed and perhaps not that I'm no longer on Facebook. I thought I owed an explanation to those who might come by this blog seeking one out.

Without getting too personal, I realized that, for whatever reason, the things that I post on Facebook paint inaccurate pictures of who I am to people. The strange thing is that there seem to be different specific pictures to different people. For example, some people have said, "Sarah, you seem to only post negative things on Facebook. I'm worried about you." Then there's, "Why do you only post pictures of things you want or talk about what you 'need' on Facebook? It makes you sound pretty ungrateful." On a brighter note, I've gotten many, "I love reading your updates! You are so funny!" comments as well.

Funnily enough, the fact that there ARE these three "categories" and more disproves all of the "how come ALL you post is (fill in the blank)?" concerns, but because of people's various sensitivities to certain kinds of posts and my desire to not be viewed as a Debbie Downer or discontent, I've decided to step out for the time being.

But that's not the only reason.

Right now, I don't have a job, and since I'm fairly new to this city, I don't have many geographically-near, in-the-flesh friends. As a result, I was spending WAY too much time on Facebook, sharing things I wouldn't necessarily feel a need to share if I had "real-life" people to talk to about them, letting silly little things bother me when I shouldn't have given them a second thought, etc. Yes, Facebook is wonderful for keeping in touch with family and friends, but I am hoping that this will challenge me (and those people as well) to pick up the phone a bit more often.

My sister and I were talking today about how the longer the world goes on, the more people seem to think that certain things can be substituted - in this case, Facebook communication for real conversation, affection, etc. I want to do what I can to stop this in its tracks, at least in my life. I do not think Facebook is bad, but I also do not think money or Cap'n Crunch is bad. It's just the abuse of it that leads down a road that would be best not to travel. (I need to remind myself of that daily, especially when it comes to Cap'n Crunch.)

Finally, my hope is that people will still stop by my blog to see what's going on with me. I am still on Twitter but like to keep a much tighter circle there than I did on Facebook, and I will still read my "must-read" blogs on a daily basis ;) I hope that we can keep in touch there.



Kelly said...

I'm SO going to miss you on Facebook!! You're updates were always some of my favorites. I'm not on Twitter, so I will especially miss your updates. Boo. (And boo on the people who have tried to diagnose you with something based on your facebook status updates. That's just silly.)

On the other hand, I totally understand and support your decision. It sounds like you have thought long and hard about it. If you ever come back to faceook, be sure and "friend" me. ;)

Sarah said...

Thanks, Kelly! I'll miss you too, but I'm so glad I have your blog to read in the meantime! :o) And I think Facebook keeps all my friends for when I decide to come back, but if it doesn't, I will definitely friend you again! ;)

glotree said...

Each of us spend out entire lives growing up a little bit more every day.. and every once in a while we grow up so much we make a sudden, dramatic, and life-changing decision. That looks different for each person. I'm proud of you, my dear.


DaisyDays said...

I completely understand too. I always enjoyed your posts. We all have good days and bad days and find cute stuff on Etsy. ;-). I'll follow your blog now so I can see your adventures and awesome pics! (you can follow mine too-daisydaysphotography on blogspot if you want to!)

Sarah said...

Awesome, I'm totally following your blog now! Thanks! :o)

Gantwick said...

Hmmm...I guess I never noticed negative posts on Facebook. Or maybe it's because my optimistic attitude doesn't allow me to see such things. Be sure to refriend me if and when you decide to pop back onto Facebook.

MLee said...

Sarah, I have enjoyed your posts, but understand your reasoning.
As long as I have your blog all will be right with the world. Of course if you wanted to move back....there is a house down the street for sale.....
Love ya girl!! Keep the smiles coming okay?
Oh, did a family shoot today for Misty and her family. Happy with some of it... not so much with some of the others. But it was a first.

Whitney said...

I'm sad. And I don't like that people feel like they have the right to say what is right or wrong to post on FB - and to make an assumption about a person because of it. I'll miss you...but I'll be a tweetin'.

Mark Gullickson said...

Personally, I think you've made a very wise decision and support you 100%.

Marisa said...

Yeah. I agree that interaction has become fast-paced, superficial, and almost non-existent in friendships. At times, the shallowness on Facebook makes me want to get off as well. It's VERY artificial to me, and I'm not sure what to do with that.

But Sarah, out of my 284 "friends" on facebook, your posts are by far, the most interesting and funny. And that's not flattery, just the truth. You're witty and a gifted writer, and I'll miss your facebook presence in the meantime. ;)

josephhutson said...

I do have to say that your wit is some of my favorite. That's why you are one of my two "favorites" on my iPhone Facebook app (Ryan being the other one).

Luckily for me, I'm still on Twitter. :D

What I like about Facebook that Twitter can't, is I can target different demographics. Having...let me check...731 friends, not everyone wants to see the latest news on camera developments. Neither does everyone needs to see what I am thinking on a certain day.

However, like you, I'm not surrounded by my close friends and I feel like I want to "let it out" even when calling someone isn't feasible.

Maybe you can create groups to target who you want? :)

Unknown said...

Sarah, I wish you the best in your post-facebook adventures! i hope you conitnue to blog about things going in life, your mind, and everything!!! we (all) really should meet up again -- maybe sometime in the future you can come by NY!! :)

and i'm going to link my own blog here for you just because i think it will inspire me to update it as well (

See you around!!

Unknown said...

I'm going to miss you girlie!! You always had some interesting insights, but everyone has to understand you are doing this for reasons that matter to you. I'll be adding your blog spot to my favorites list and I hope maybe to see you and Ryan at Christmas when you are in town. Also, I'm continuing to keep you in my prayers for a job. God will provide for you! Karen Paxson

Unknown said...

I realized just the other day that there is seriously a direct correlation of how much time I spend on facebook and how unhappy I become. Facebook starts popping up pictures of my boyfriend with his ex that I've never seen or ever want to see, shows me friends who haven't answered my messages are constantly updating their status and makes me more and more detached from my ACTUAL real-life relationship with that person. I need to cut back big time! LA!!

Lindsey said...

I agree, in an age of technology...good old fashion talking has kind of taken a back seat. I was talking to friends about this the other day. How when a guy is interested in a girl...they text back and forth now instead of picking up the phone and calling. I think it loses something.

Whitney said...

Come. Back. Sarah. Looks like you've taken a BLOG BREAK INSTEAD!!!!

Unknown said...

I can't understand how anyone would not love you on FB. I find you very upbeat, and refreshing.

Unknown said...

I can't understand how anyone would not love you on FB. I find you very upbeat, and refreshing.

-blessed holy socks, the non-perishable-zealot said...

God blessa youse -Fr. Sarducci, ol SNL

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