You and I are both aware that these economic times are tough. It seems like everyone I know is being affected in one way or another. When we have to give things up to save money, it's upsetting and frustrating. We (I know
I) tend to think, "Why is this happening to me?" Well, I realized something the other day that I hope will lend insight to my readers.
A bit of background: Ryan was laid off in August and is still without a job. As we try to stretch things a little further and reevaluate what we "need" in our lives, a lot of changes are occurring. One example is that I now bring a homemade sandwich to school for lunch instead of escaping to McAlister's, Bread Co, etc. After a few days of this change, I noticed - I was eating less, but wasn't hungry for more. This tells me that, in short, when we know we can have something, we want it. If we know our limits, we are (or should be) content in those. It's such a simple concept, and probably sounds upsetting to many, but it's given me immense peace.
Do you know how blessed we all are? Do you truly know? A roof over our heads, food on the table, ANY kind of clothing AT ALL to wear - these are not things to ever be taken for granted. We don't deserve any of them. We aren't entitled to any of them, despite what every single marketing campaign in our country tells us. Every little luxury we have is a gift from God. We're not bad people for having what we have, and I hope I'm not making anyone feel GUILTY for their possessions. It's when we seek happiness in them that things get bad.
I have heard so many people joke, "I'm poor now," "We're destitute," etc. I don't feel like it's my place to say this to these people directly, but I wonder if they have any idea what "poor" and "destitute" actually look like. These concepts don't look anything like what myself and my loved ones have. We are all blessed beyond measure and need to recognize it.
I aim not to lecture, to but fill with hope that God has not turned and will NEVER turn His back on us. Just because we have less than what our disgustingly spoiled selves are used to doesn't mean that we aren't among the richest people in the universe. Please be reminded of how much you're provided for, and SMILE. :)